*** Cancelled Legacy Stories Workshop ****

04/09/2019 01:30 PM - 03:30 PM PT


Terri Wolf


Our unique story is the fabric of our life, filled with threads of many colors and textures, and telling it—writing it down—can be cathartic and healing. We can choose to share it with others or simply to reflect upon it and embrace what the telling of it can do for us personally. Legacy Writing provides participants with structure and support through facilitated writing sessions that explore their own life and memoir. No writing experience is necessary. The emphasis is on getting a story on the page and not fussing over grammar and style. Honoring who we are and what we have lived is the focus. Writing materials can be provided.

This class is made possible through public funds from Placer County, the California Arts Council, private donations, and administered locally by the Arts Council of Placer County, the designated local Arts partner.